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In March 2022 I started a crash course about UI Design, to reach my goal of not being only a UX but possibly a UX/UI Unicorn 🦄

I was given a challenge from a 2021 hackathon and this is how I developed it, in 1 day.

My Role

For this project, I worked on the idea, the UI design and the prototype.




iOS WhatsApp app mock ups

59% of italians enjoy a run at least once a month, to relieve from stress after a long day at work and most of all, to prove themselves that challenges can be overcome.
For my UI Design course I was given the choice between these tasks:

Challenge #1 - GO RUNCARD!

Engagement solution for the runners community

Challenge #2 - SPORT CITY LIFE

Making run in the city smarter

Challenge #3 - SPORT FUTURE

A sport-tech solution dedicated to runners

I chose to design a mix between 1 and 3.

The Solution

I tried to empathize and put myself in the shoes of a runner... since I am NOT one, but always wished I could be!

I thought about an app that would act as a coach to train beginners wannabe runners, like me.

I decided who my target would be: women who have no or little experience with running, needing motivation to start and most of all, not stop.

Pain point: lack of motivation, fear of not succeeding, pressure from more advanced peers

My idea: creating a training for beginners adding the support of a female community with the same goal, in order to be able to support and cheer for each other. 

I wanted to focus on known pattern to take advantage of the human need of completion (progress bars, percentage, goal tracking) and a social feature (likes, comments).

I decided to call this app "Runstar", because to me whoever succeeds in running is indeed a star! 🤩

Prototype & Design

The result below has been designed in one day in Figma. Take a look at the full screen prototype here.

Takeaways & Next steps

This was a fun little experiment to test out my skills with Figma and as a UI designer. I know I have a long way to go, but I know I will get there!

At this point, if I were to work on this as a real project, I would actually take a step back and work on research to validate the idea and only then the prototype with real users in my target.

The Solution
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