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This project originated in 2015 in response to a genuine need when I was an inexperienced web designer, resulting in a functional yet extremely rudimentary platform. In 2023, after years of experience as a product designer, I had the opportunity to redesign and launch an improved dashboard, thus completing the circle.

This is an interesting case indeed. Several years after the launch of that rudimentary platform and after leaving the company, in 2023 I was contacted to revisit this project. I gladly took on the challenge of enhancing the user experience and design, leveraging the experience I had gained in the meantime. I reworked the information architecture and developed new flows and mockups to streamline the platform, making it appealing not only to internal company users but also to external clients. They will finally be able to engage with the company through a functional and clean dashboard, where they can monitor the progress of all their requests.

Until 2023, clients used email to submit requests for machinery maintenance and spare parts purchases to the central office. Thanks to this redesign, we are on the verge of launching a new dashboard that will enhance communication processes, translating into improved working conditions for company employees, an enhanced customer experience, which will leave clients with a more positive impression of the company, and a reduction in error margin and confusion regarding intervention and spare parts lead times.

2015 The beginning


My Role

I worked as a UX, UI and Web designer. I performed the research and interviews in the Company to understand the real needs, formulated the concept and flows, tested with the final users. Finally, I developed the tool using Joomla and I wrote the user manuals to distribute to every function within the Company.


Designing an online ticketing platform for the company, to automatise internal communication and purchasing orders and approvals.


August 2015 - November 2015

USA & Italy

The Problem

In the year 2015, together with the management, I was working in Miami setting up the new US branch of the Italian company I was working for. 

AGS provides maintenance, support, procurement advice, fleet management, training and latterly lease finance to the handling and catering providers at airports. This support can be at either the providers’ premises on site or a bespoke facility can be set up by AGS, therefore being capable of operating globally.


The purchase process used back in Italy was still very old school: they had just stopped using fax in favor of e-mails to send requests for spare parts or services that were to be approved by the management and then sent to the Purchasing Office; the Purchasing Office then issued an order that was then to be approved again by management: only then the order could be processed and the workshops would receive the supply.

It's always been that way.


But the service to be provided in the US was much, much larger and it involved so many people. The e-mail method was almost impossible to implement in this new reality.


I had the idea to create a web-based platform that would be accessible everywhere, that would be easy to use and most of all that would automate this -in my opinion insane- process. Management agreed and so I started working part time (as I officially was the Executive Assistant) on this tool.

The Solution

A three level access web-based platform, accessible via URL and usable via PC and mobile browser. It included a dashboard to overview the requests with their statuses, the possibility to send requests filling a simple form, upload pictures to aid in the spare part location process, change status, to view the detail, filter the lists, approve or deny the requests.

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I started by identifying the flow based on what was the traditional flow and characteristics needed by all parties.


There were three levels of access and function:


Workshop: the workshop responsible needing spare parts or services. Needs to be able to place a request and follow its status.


Management: Company management needing analytics on purchases and needing to approve the purchase orders.


Purchasing Office: receives a purchase requests and issues a purchase order that needs approval from management prior to fulfillment.


Based on this I needed three different flows to facilitate the job for each party. 

The design process included gathering insights from research and user testing, defining pain points and finally ideate a solution through sketches.

I designed the flows and then jumped right into programming.

Gathering feedback

To get insight on the app, 2 people for each segment were interviewed. Each participant was asked to complete a task while verbalizing his thoughts. Tasks involved using the search and filter options, the "Create Request" option, the status change. 

I iterated every time to correct usability problems mainly due to my assumptions during the development.


Looking back, I know that I gave the aesthetics of this tool very little importance, so what was the MVP basically remained the final product. I had no knowledge of prototyping tools at the time, in fact, I jumped into programming the tool. Of course, this took a lot more time and work on the code instead of following a more iterative process on a prototype. Still, I relied on iteration upon every suggestion from the final user. This project, even if very imperfect, taught me a lot about UX when I didn't even know that it was called UX, especially because I followed every step from ideation to development.

The Solution
2023 Redesign


I'm honored to have had the opportunity to update this case study. It's not always possible to truly take the learnings and apply them, benefiting from growth as a product designer.

So, here's what I did to redesign the platform mentioned above, where the challenges and objectives remained the same but with the addition of wanting to use this platform with external clients.


Solving the new challenge

The Company currently manages spare parts and maintenance requests through direct email communication with customers. This process is cumbersome, disorganized, and hinders the effectiveness of request collection and management. Consequently, order processing is compromised, potentially affecting customer satisfaction and profitability.

To create a web based platform allowing customers to submit requests for spare parts and maintenance, and to provide an internal interface for departments (e.g., procurement and maintenance) to manage these tickets. The platform should include messaging, attachments (e.g., quotes), email notifications, and reporting capabilities to monitor ticket progress. This way, the platform will allow Aviogei to efficiently manage customer requests and gather critical insights through detailed reports to enhance customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and resource management.

To identify the necessary features to achieve the project's objectives, I conducted a user journey mapping exercise which I validated with the parties before jumping into designing.
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Key Solution Features

Design Process

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Design System based on Tailwind UI components for a cost and time effective implementation

Prototyping for testing, validation and handoff

Collaboration with Development:

Collaborating with the development team was essential to ensure a seamless transition from design to implementation. We conducted regular meetings to discuss the technical feasibility of design decisions and to identify any potential challenges early in the process.

WordPress Plugin Development:

Opting for a WordPress plugin as the development platform offered several advantages. It allows for easier integration into the existing WordPress ecosystem and provides a familiar environment for users. Additionally, it simplifies maintenance and updates.

Tailwind UI Components:

To expedite development and maintain design consistency, I leveraged Tailwind UI components. Tailwind UI offers a comprehensive library of pre-designed components and patterns that can be easily customized to match the project's visual requirements. This approach not only accelerates development but also ensures a cohesive and polished user interface.

Cost and Time Efficiency: By using a plugin-based approach and Tailwind UI components, we aimed to streamline development efforts, reduce costs, and expedite the project timeline. The use of well-established tools and libraries also minimizes the need for custom coding, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Prototyping for Clarity: Throughout the design phase, interactive prototypes were developed to provide the development team with a clear vision of the intended user experience. These prototypes allowed for early testing and validation of design concepts, helping to identify and address potential issues before implementation.

User-Centered Design: While optimizing for development efficiency, we remained committed to a user-centered design approach. User feedback and usability testing were conducted at various stages to ensure that the Tailwind-based UI components enhanced the overall user experience.


This redesign project for Aviogei's ticketing platform offered valuable insights into my role as a product designer. Through this experience, several key lessons have emerged:

Working closely with the development team was essential for translating design concepts into practical, functional solutions. The synergy between design and development teams significantly contributed to project success. By dedicating myself exclusively to product design, I was able to delve deeper into understanding user needs and design intricacies. This specialization allowed for a more refined and thoughtful approach to user experience.

Not being directly involved in development, maintaining a user-centric approach remained a top priority.

Conducting user journey mapping and testing activities allowed us to validate design decisions and keep the user at the core of the project.

The decision to employ a WordPress plugin and harness Tailwind UI components proved to be an efficient strategy.

It streamlined development efforts, saving both time and resources while maintaining design consistency.

Clear and transparent communication regarding design decisions played a pivotal role in managing stakeholder expectations effectively. This ensured that all parties were aligned with the project's goals.

In summary, this project has not only refined my product design skills but also underscored the importance of collaborative, user-centered design practices. These valuable lessons will undoubtedly inform and enhance future product design endeavors.

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